The FCS&CA Department is a public utility department. The officials of this department have been made responsible for implementation of various schemes sponsored by Central/State Govt. for socio-economic upliftment of the weaker section of the society. The offices and officers of the Department are responsible for securing compliance and enforcement of the Acts and Rules/Orders given below:
It is a Central Act to provide, in the interests of the general public, for the control of the production, supply, and distribution of, and trade and commerce in, certain commodities.
Vide this order the Officer/Official of the Food and Supplies and Consumer Affairs Dept. are empowered for detention in certain cases for the purpose of prevention of black-marketing and maintenance of supplies of commodities essential to the community/consumers and for the matter connected therewith.
This Act lays down detailed provisions and procedures for redressel of grievances and to provide for better protection of the interests of the consumers and for that purpose to make provisions for the establishment of consumer councils and other authorities for the settlement of consumers, disputes and for matter connected therewith.